#2 / Define enough on a case by case basis

today #2

By Thord D. Hedengren

Say you’re working on something, maybe it’s a newsletter with tips and advice, or maybe it’s building a fence in your backyard. At first glance, it’s clear when you’re ready to press send, and to put your tools away.

The newsletter is started on a service, there’s a sign-up page, and you’ve written the first issue.

The fence is there, it’s covering the backyard as intended, and it isn’t falling over when you lean on it.

This might be enough, you might be okay with it being enough, in which case I salute you. But chances are, you’re thinking about the newsletter template, deliverabiliy, how to format the text, and the next couple of issues. Or you’re wondering if you should add another coat of paint to the fence, maybe shape the edges to make it look more polished, and why not add a gate as well?

When are you done?

What is enough?

Knowing when something is done, when a task is finished, when you’ve done enough, makes things so much easier. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t continued working on whatever it is you’re doing, but you know that you don’t have to.

So decide what’s enough before you start. It’s your goal.

When you reach your goal you’ll get the sense of achievment, pushing away the stress, because you’ve done enough.

This issue is sponsored by Hedengren Agency. Do you need help with your digital presence? Check out our list of happy clients, and then drop us a line if you're interested in working with us.

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Considering today is a thought, an idea, a prompt, a piece of advice, a concept, and so many other things too. Transmitted weekdays, for free.

Considering today / TDHFTW / Karlbergsvägen 63, Stockholm, 11335

Considering today

Thoughts and musings, with the occasional advice and tip, with a bit of fun, coming to your inbox every weekday.

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